Francesc Alted 
 C/ Tirant lo Blanc nº6 pta 4
Castelló, Spain 12100
Phone: +34 964 282 649Email: <>

Software developerJun 2001 - Today
Designing and programming a new benchmark tool to test performance of a broad range of IT (Information Technology) services, like HTTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, LDAP,... Offering consulting services and capacity planning in IT systems and scientific computing facilities.

System architectMay 2000 - May 2001
Responsible for Servicom2000 IT systems. Lead team of system administrators and developers to set-up and maintain the servers for the Servicom2000 ISP services. Execution of consulting services in IT systems for clients.

Technical directorJan 1999 - May 2000
Responsible of the technical department. My main work was to plan and coordinate the set-up and management for the Servicom2000 ISP and communications facilities. Making of technical proposals for different products, like IT services, Internet connectivity, security, database applications and e-commerce.

Servicom (Valencia branch office)
Technical directorAug 1996 - Jan 1999
Lead team of people to create and operate the branch office infrastructure for the Servicom ISP, one of the biggest in Spain (then acquired by Retevision). Solely responsible for modeling a new product (color boxes) with integrated security, Intranet and Extranet services. Responsible for the project proposals to customers in areas like Internet connectivity (Cisco routers/Frame-Relay/ISDN, Linux/ISDN), security (Firewall-1, Gauntlet) and e-commerce applications (Perl, mSQL, mySQL, Java, Oracle, ...).

Universitat Jaume I
Scientific computing analystSep 1991 - Jul 1996
Establish the conditions for the public concurrence process in selecting the university general scientific computing facilities. Responsibility to select and execute the adequate benchmarks for the scientific community needs. Installation and management for libraries and programs in the scientific computer field. User support for compilers, debuggers, 3D visualization systems, computational tools (Mathematica), documentation systems (LaTeX). Scientific computing system administration. Experience with SGI (Power Challenge L and XL, Indigo workstations), HP-UX (cluster of 14 HP 730) and IBM (390, 590 models).

IFIC - Institut de Física Corpuscular (Universitat de València - CSIC)
System administrator assistant for the computer centerJan 1991 - Jul 1991
Installation and management of scientific computing software and libraries in VMS (Digital) environments. User support for this tools. Programmer for some system utilities (logout users after some time of inactivity, filters for Postscript printers, ...). Assistance to the system administrator in labors like upgrading operating system in computer facilities, establishing backup policies, etc.

IFIC - Institut de Física Corpuscular (Universitat de València - CSIC)
Research fellowship holderJan 1989- Dec 1990
Participation in the research project "Collaboration in the DELPHI experiment in the colliding ring e+e- (LEP) of CERN". My task was mainly to help with the set-up of the data acquisition system for the ToF (Time of Flight) detector in DELPHI.

EducationUniversity Jaume I (Castelló)
MS degree (‘Diploma d'Estudis Avançats’) in Mathematical MethodsMay 2002
This is an official recognition for the PhD courses followed and research trajectory.

PhD student in Mathematics1996 - now
Now working on my thesis named "Aplicació d'integradors simplèctics a l'estudi de sistemes Hamiltonians". Thesis advisor: Prof. F. Casas

University of València
PhD Student at IFIC ("Institut de Física Corpuscular") in ValènciaJan 1989 - Dec 1990
Spent one year and half at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) working in the ToF (DELPHI experience) detector data acquisition system. Read "Tesi de Llicenciatura" named "El sistema d'adquisició de dades del detector de temps de vol (ToF) de DELPHI" in June 1990.

BS in ‘Electronics and Computer Sciences’ and ‘Theoretical Physics’1982 - 1988
Made these two specialties of high level Physics studies.



Other interests

Cosmology and astrophysics, mountain trekking, basketball, cinema, literature.

Copyright © 2002 Francesc Alted

Republication without permission is forbidden.