[Click here for a more formal resumé]
I'm currently working to myself, pondering to found a startup. But first, I'm building my own benchmarking tool, and then I plan to offer consulting services based on its results to interested companies. More information can be found on the OpenLC home page.
I've worked as a system manager at IFIC (Institut de Física Corpuscular de València), scientific computing manager at the Computer Center of the University Jaume I of Castelló, technical director at Servicom (a Spanish ISP bought by Retevision) in València and systems designer in Servicom2000 (an Internet value added company), in that order. During the past years, I've worked on a variety of different problems, including operating systems, clustering, symmetric multiprocessing, scientific high performance computing, design of ISP infrastructure and services, consulting services and business management issues.
Two things have influenced in my current position. Firstly, before start working, I spent one year and half at CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research) in Geneva, as a post-graduate student. During this period, it was apparent to me that large computational facilities were needed by the high energy physicists. Four years later I've received a grant to do an stage at CERFACS (Tolouse, France) in the Parallel Algorithms Project where I've done some work optimizing and parallelizing a well-known computational chemistry package, MOPAC, and achieved some quite interesting results. You can see the report here (it's written in Catalan). This stages on supercomputing centers make me feel that computers and science are very interdependent one of another, and will be more and more in the future. Secondly, my stage on private companies, and the contact with customers, taught me that computers and the Internet are key on our present and future society.
During all my career I've been always interested in performance, from scientific computing facilities (mainly in Computational Chemistry and High Energy Physics; see a report I've wrote about this), to the design of efficient e-mail, Web, or Web cache systems, as well as some small incursions on High Performance Computing (HPC) programming (PVM, MPI, use of BLAS, LAPACK or the excelent IBM ESSL library). Thus, I finally decided to have a try and build myself a general benchmarking tool called OpenLC.
I live in Castelló de la Plana (Spain) spending my free time between my wife Merche, doing jogging in the beach and reading in and writing out to a heartened mailing list called "culebras".